Wednesday, February 17, 2016

What is a Web Hosting?


Hey! So how are you doing? I’m here to explain you one really important thing.

Which is…Web Hosting.
Short story about us.
As well as few important questions will be answered.
So What’s the Web Hosting all in all?

It’s a server space dedicated to your Website.36862221_Guy_with_Question_Mark_over_his_headFotolia_102829_XS_answer_3_xlarge

What does it mean?
It’s simple. When you are about to create a Website you have to have some kind of a virtual space to upload your files into a network.
And there are the Web Hosting providers who can provide the storage space at their servers for you.
Luckily we are one of the leading FREE Web Hosting providers. And no ADS will be on your sites published by us or any other rubbish you could possibly think. So your Website is absolutely on your own operation commands.

What’s the point of doing that? What’s the ingoing profit of it?

Well in this case there is one really big thing about that, we are spending our own money to provide you space for your website. So no topic about the profit in this case could be touched. We have customers who bought a premium packages and etc. So basically it means that we are covering the costs of providing the FREE Hosting by cutting our profit margin.

Actually we don’t mind, seriously. We always wanted to provide a high quality FREE hosting service. We want to shake out all the convictions about the pooratsisiųstiattendance of having that kind of service. Nothing more, but you – the customers are driving us forward. Believe it or not, but having a happyYOU, who is really appreciative by using our FREE service is more valuable than putting some extra money into the pocket. True!

What’s the benefits of having a Paid hosting then?

Well again, the answer is obvious. The space we are dedicating for a FREE hosting package is 3,000MB and limited apps and some other stuff. When the Premium paid Hosting has absolutelyno limits. Which means it has no limits set on a Storage nor on a Bandwidth. There are no limits on any apps or e-mail accounts or anything else – you name it.
Absolutely no limits at all.

So what what is the price?

It’s not much compared to other providers. It’s ONLY $3,99/month. By saying ONLY I do really mean that. You can easily go to any other hosting provider sites and compare the prices.the_thinking_man_by_jonc20-d2y3jlhYes, you could think that we are a young company and you can mistrust us. But! Actually we are not. We have had a Hosting Company before and we have successfully sold it to create a FREE conception of hosting. Again. Believe it or not. But we have a lot of experience as well as knowledge in this business. We are not rookies and especially not resellers.
We have started our first Web Hosting Company at 2003. You can do a research if you wish. We won’t name it. Because they are our competitors now. Actually when we sold it, now the company isn’t going that well as it was when we was in charge. Sad. But that’s how it goes. A good thing about that, most of our crew members followed us into a new venture. Isn’t that a true loyalty?...

Now back to the topic.
When you are about to create a Blog website. How it sounds better to you? or ?
I do agree with you. The one with a .com extension. It’s not just because of a .com good looking at the end. That’s all because you are an owner of your Blog. When you are doing your blogs at the subdomain sites it means that all of your records belongs to them not to you. They can reset your account anytime and everything will be gone. Wouldn’t that be sad? Of course it would.

But… When you are have hosted your Blog at a Web Hosting site with professional extension such as .com or .net or whatever. It not just look way better, but you become an owner of your OWN site. You can do whatever you want. Everything belongs to you. It’s like an investment into a real estate. You buy it and it’s yours! All of the options you do with it are your OWN picked.  Of course, before clapping your hands you should read the terms of conditions. We have mentioned a few things you are not good to do – Botting, Spam sites, Adult content sites (you know what I mean), any fraud sites and etc. Does it limit your understanding about the websites now?
It shouldn't. Because there are more to do with your Website excluding these things, believe me.

What you should be doing if you wish to create an E-Commerce site (a site where you can sell goodies directly)?

Well first of all you should know how to create one. If you don’t hire or ask someone to do it instead of you.
Secondly you will be in need for an SSL certificate. Which means you will have to become a secure site (you can ascertain of it by seeing a little pad lock sign from a left of a domain name).

Every client wants to feel convenient when he/she is sharing the personal details at the Internet wouldn’t you as well?

pat-set-up-is-easyYes I will mention that again. We are able to provide you that security - the SSL. The prices are very low. Sure if you wish you can easily compare it. Someone are taking more than $30 for the certificate. When we are charging only $9,99! Yes ONLY, Again!…
Honestly, absolutely no profit from it… But. We are gathering more and more happy clients who are about to have some really long companionship with us. Some of them are from our previous company as they did a research – somehow found us and wanted to stay with us. By saying us i mean personnel who has this business! That is meritorious. Thank you!

So conducting to the conclusion.

We are a Company. Which really cares about their customers (probably everyone are saying that, but how many of them are honest?). We want to shape a really long relationships with You folks! We are going to do what it takes to be able to compare ourselves with the largest companies out there! We have recently became PayPal Business partners, which what is web hostingmeans we are verified by doing a
secured transactions with our customers via the app. It‘s great because you can whether pay with a Card by not even logging in into a PayPal‘s account or of course you can pay directly using the PayPal it self.
We also want to appease you. We have a very long contract with a Data Center. Which means we are not going to sell the company or migrate to somewhere else as we are expanding in a big way!
Expanding at the Internet world means a big growth which goes like a chain reaction. You should know it indeed!

Thank you for reading this. I hope you enjoyed the story. Have a great time! We are very grateful for having such a wonderful customer squad with us!

Sincerely. The author: R.G.

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